TCI participates in specific projects related to cluster based economic development and innovation ecosystems.
TCI Network offers you great access to specific knowledge and expertise worldwide in a flexible context. Looking for international connections for your cluster? Searching for advice from a colleague on your regional cluster strategy? Exploring for partners for a cluster project? Do you need a recommended speaker for a conference?
A TCI Peer Review consist of a strategic discussion on the potential of cluster development followed by a final assessment by a selected group of experts from the TCI Network, working closely with the hosting organization. The objective is to provide recommendations from experts that ultimately help to develop the new cluster policy in the region, and lead to better implementation of the cluster strategy.
Travel and learn from leading clusters. If you wish to meet and engage with key people from leading clusters and best performing regions, TCI helps you designing the agenda for your study tour/mission listening to your concrete needs and expectations.
Benchmark your strategy. TCI brings you access to top cluster initiatives and cluster programs around the world in a wide range of industries and with very different approaches.
The TCI Mentoring Program is aimed at improving the skills and competences in cluster management of our members. It seeks to match experienced cluster managers within the TCI Network (mentors) with cluster newcomers in an early stage of their careers (mentees).
Interested in showcasing the best of our cluster network in your region? We offer the possibility to co-organize a TCI conference in a city or region running a program on competitiveness and clusters.
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