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CLAC 2020 – the 12th 2020 TCI Latin American Conference  gathereded online 600+ Latin American cluster professionals from 21 countries and evidenced how cluster strategies are becoming engines for reactivation in Latin America.

Every country needs a post-covid reactivation strategy and clusters are proving to be best tools to orientate strategic decisions, both private and public. The journey starts with idealistic and stubborn leaders, plus a strong governance in place. 

We are all cluster ¡Todos somos cluster!

This virtual CLAC was organized by the members of the TCI Latam Chapter, the Chambers of Commerce of Medellin and Barranquilla in Colombia and CODER Chihuahua in Mexico. 

What could you  find at CLAC2020?

Hear from leading experts

At CLAC2020, world-renowned and regional explerts delved into transformation strategies in the face of the New Normal. We learnt how to implement these strategies and use them as tools that allow us to identify new ways of developing.

Listen to panel discussions

During interactive virtual pannel discussions, cluster experts shared their experiences and strategies from the Latin American region.


During the event, we had the opportunity to do networking with different stakeholders from the public, private, academic sectors, and of course, with cluster leaders. We shared and learnt best practices that allow clusters to take the leading role in the innovation process in the New Normal.

Revisit now the video recordings from CLAC2020 (in Spanish):

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Date and time

Add to calendar 2020-11-2416:00 2020-11-2420:00 Europe/Madrid CLAC2020 Spain
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