Members Connect - Session 2

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Our next 'Members Connect' will be on April 18 and this time we move to a more American morning time:

8 am         SEATTLE, United States, Washington
9 am         MEXICO CITY, Mexico
10 am       BOGOTA, Colombia
11 am       OTTAWA, Canada, Ontario
12 noon   CORDOBA, Argentina
5 pm         CEST Central European Time

Check your local time here.

We hope to catch up with many of our members in the Americas!

These Members Connect online gatherings bring together TCI members to discuss latest work and engage and interact with other members of the TCI Network.

All questions are well received! We encourage you to share interesting activities in your pipeline for 2023, introduce ideas for new projects, request for specific inputs or expertise, and explore new partnerships. And of course, get to know new peers and colleagues.

Register now and join us for this second session of TCI Members Connect.


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Date and time

Add to calendar 2023-04-1817:00 2023-04-2817:00 Europe/Madrid Members Connect - Session 2 Spain


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