TCI Global Webinar, How to continue upgrading cluster excellence


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TCI Global Webinar

How to continue upgrading cluster excellence

May 12, 90 min,  from 15.00 to 16.30 CEST, check your local time here

Cluster organizations are adapting to generate more value and impact for their members and within their innovation ecosystems in the new context. At this TCI Global Webinar, we will explore how the cluster models are evolving through more ambitious services and projects with digital and green elements. And we will decode what are the elements that help clusters to achieve this transformation.

In a conversation with two cluster experts, Simone Hagenauer, ecoPlus Lower Austria and Claire Barnouin, Monterrey Aerocluster, we will explore these questions,

  • What is the business model of your cluster?
  • What new services, activities and projects is your cluster pushing and how do you envisage your cluster model will change in the coming years?
  • What elements will help your cluster to achieve this transformation?

As added bonus, we will enjoy a lively presentation of the newly launched “Cluster Business Model Report” by the authors, Christian Rangen and Victor Haze.

Of interest for cluster managers, cluster boards and leadership, cluster facilitators, policy makers and consultants who are helping to develop new strategies towards cluster excellence and who want to learn the tactics to successfully implement them.

This TCI Global Webinar is open to all the TCI global community and it’s free for TCI members.

Fee for non-members: 20 euros

Register here

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Date and time

Add to calendar 2021-05-1215:00 2021-05-1216:30 Europe/Madrid TCI Global Webinar, How to continue upgrading cluster excellence Online TCI NETWORK




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