Great interest for the TCI Latam webinar on COVID-10 crisis in the region, material available now

Victoria Georgieva,

Last April 16 the TCI Latin American Chapter held its first webinar for 2020, dedicated on the Latin American Approach to the COVID-19 crisis.

More than 200 cluster practitioners and experts from the region registered for the event, exploring the first reactions to the pandemic impact on the continent.

The contributions of Merete Daniel Nielsen, TCI Network President and Marco Llinás, Bogota Chamber of Commerce&TCI Board of Directors set the tone for a very useful meeting, during which the participants expanded their knowledge on different ways how clusters help companies with collaborative solutions in this uncertain period.

Merete Nielsen highlighted that “companies still need innovation and there is the need for change with new mindset, new ideas and new innovations”, while Marco Llinás highlighted that “we need to take care of the health, but we need to also flatten the curve of the economic impact”. “Cluster initiatives and organisations play an important role in this process”, he added.

During the webinar that lasted more than 120 minutes, participants listened also to inspiring cluster cases from Ecuador (Cristina Solis, ASOBANCA), Mexico (Manuel Montoya, Automotive Cluster of Nuevo Leon) and Colombia (Ruben Valencia, Medellín Fashion Cluster).





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