Join us for the launch of the TCI Recovery Playbook

Victoria Georgieva,

TCI Recovery Playbook launch
June 17/ Wednesday / 14.00 CEST (summer time in Brussels), check your local time here.

Join us for the launch of the TCI Recovery Playbooka dynamic guide for Economic Development Organisations and Cluster Organisations in the path to economic recovery.

In the conversation with the authors, we will delve into the 3-phase model developed, from short-term crisis management, to living with the pandemic, and finally igniting new growth, with a focus on the different roles and priorities that these organisations will have to adopt over the coming months. We will also show some great examples from the TCI Network on how these organisations can make a difference; learn how ITRI - the Industrial Technology ResearchInstitute led Taiwan's national team against COVID-19.

Registration for the webinar is free of charge.

Register here

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