20 February 2014
This monthly selection of articles has been carried out by Philippe Gugler and Michael Keller, the Center for Competitiveness, University of Fribourg.
16 January 2014
This monthly selection of articles has been carried out by Philippe Gugler and Michael Keller, the Center for Competitiveness, University of Fribourg.
16 December 2013
This monthly selection of articles has been carried out by Philippe Gugler and Michael Keller, the Center for Competitiveness, University of Fribourg.
20 November 2013
This monthly selection of articles has been carried out by Philippe Gugler and Michael Keller, the Center for Competitiveness, University of Fribourg.
24 October 2013
The monthly selection of articles is carried out by Philippe Gugler and Michael Keller, the Center for Competitiveness, University of Fribourg, in collaboration with the following TCI members: Emily Wise, VINNOVA, Sweden; Katarzyna Kowalska, Consultant, Poland; Tatyana Mirolyubova, Perm State National Research University, Russia; Jaime del Castillo and Jonatan Paton, Infyde-Informacion y Desarrollo, SL, Spain; David Ireland, CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia.
25 September 2013
The selection of articles is carried out by Philippe Gugler and Michael Keller, the Center for Competitiveness, University of Fribourg, in collaboration with the following TCI members: Emily Wise, VINNOVA, Sweden; Katarzyna Kowalska, Consultant, Poland; Tatyana Mirolyubova, Perm State National Research University, Russia; Jaime del Castillo and Jonatan Paton, Infyde-Informacion y Desarrollo, SL, Spain; David Ireland, CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia.
24 May 2013
For the first selection of academic articles, please consult the following list.
23 April 2013
The TCI Networks seeks to develop tighter bridges between the practitioners in our network and the academic community working on clusters. As a first step, we will regularly post listings of new academic articles on clusters and competitiveness on our website. A first selection is available here.
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