TCI Cluster Evaluation Working Group Virtual Workshop, April 27

Victoria Georgieva,

Evidencing the Wider Impact of Clusters
How to capture the system level impacts of clusters in regions?
How to show the value of clusters beyond economic competitiveness?

Participate and contribute to the TCI Cluster Evaluation Working Group online workshop, taking place on April 27, 15.00-17.00 CEST (check your local time here).

A group of TCI members gathers regularly at the TCI Cluster Evaluation Working Group to discuss about the challenges of cluster evaluation, seeking to develop overall frameworks and share different techniques to show the value of collaboration and return of investment. The learnings from the group help TCI members to design and run their own monitoring and evaluation, and to evidence the impact of clusters inside and outside their cluster ecosystem.

The focus of the next virtual workshop will be “Evidencing the Wider Impact of Clusters”, exploring how policy makers and practitioners are capturing the system level impacts in regions, and showing the value of clusters beyond economic competitiveness. Clusters are increasingly being asked to contribute not only to the economic performance of their sector and region, but also to play a role in transforming their territories across many aspects beyond purely financial measures, including shared value approaches, contributing to SDGs, playing a role in Smart Specialisation Strategies or other National Performance Frameworks.

During the workshop, presenters from Catalonia (Spain), Sweden and Lombardy (Italy) will share their experience, describing how they are approaching this challenge. And also participants in the workshop will have the opportunity to share experiences and develop knowledge.

Know more and register here.

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