iFood Cluster

The accredited iFood Cluster is one of Hungary's leading food industry clusters, with a focus on healthy food development, food waste solutions and food packaging. During its more than 10 years of existence, it has built up a wide network of contacts and a stable membership. Its members are interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions: dairy companies, hygiene companies, educational institutions, (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences), IT companies, meat and fish processing companies, fruit and vegetable processing companies, restaurants, bakeries, egg processing companies, chambers (Chamber of Agriculture and Chamber of Commerce). The mission of the cluster is to organize a professional community for the stakeholders of the Hungarian food economy, which, based on the strengthening of the common knowledge base and interests, contributes to the more efficient operation of its members in the national and international markets. The aim of the cluster - working with active members -is to establish and coordinate collaborations between companies, organizations and institutions operating in the field of food economy, to help create innovative products and services; to increase the share of business turnover between members to help the adaptation more effectively to the challenges of the economy, to increase the profit our for-profit members. The cluster also has a significant and up-to-date knowledge of the Hungarian cluster ecosystem. In line with the national cluster strategy, the organization attaches importance to inter-cluster interactions and collaborations. The organisation is also a founding member of the Hungarian Cluster Alliance, a new umbrella organisation in the Hungarian cluster ecosystem, which aims to represent Hungarian clusters towards national and international partners in order to promote their interests and develop the ecosystem. The cluster is represented in legal and financial matters by the management organisation iFood Nonprofit Kft., in accordance with the Hungarian regulations.

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