Mirbest Central European Cluster of Gastronomic Innoovation represents 100% Hungarian-owned companies involved in food distribution, production and related services. Our aim is to operate an active cluster of members working together to achieve their economic and research goals. Therefore, less efficient, isolated areas are managed in an integrated system at cluster level. Thanks to the cooperation between the members, it is possible to develop joint R&D&I and market presence in parallel. Since the cluster’s creation, we have placed a strong emphasis on developing group collaboration. We take particular care to build our private label brands, develop our joint branding and organise joint professional events. We created the Central Technical Procurement System, which is responsible for the development and implementation of projects in the fi elds of energy effi ciency, energy cost-effectiveness and environmentally friendly operation. As a result of the progress made over the past years, the Mirbest Cluster now ensures the exchange of information between 34 member companies, including technical and operational innovations. Within the Mirbest Cluster we support the creation of the New Hungarian Cluster Strategy.
Cluster organization / Business network
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