Marit Thunberg Werner

2017-   Äppelbo Management AB (2018 – ESCA Cluster Management Excellence Gold and Silver Label Expert) Main focus is to contribute to the transition from a fossil-based to a bio-based economy, to help speeding up the collaboration and creation of linkages between various clusters and innovation hubs nationally and internationally and a transition from problem focused development work to a systems-thinking and creative process based approach to innovation, strategy and development 2001 - 2017 Vinnova ( 2007 -  2017 A TCI-member via Vinnova, Stockholm Sweden) Main work at Vinnova - Program Manager: ·       Vinnväxt (Swedish Cluster Excellence Program) ·       Organizational development, Leadership & Innovation Management ·       UDI (Challenge Driven Innovation) ·       ITP (International Training Program, financed by Sida) – “Putting ideas to work – Strategies for innovation-led sustainable growth” 1976 - 2001  Forest Research Institute (SkogForsk), Sweden,  FAO/ World Bank Nepal, Swedforest International (including long and short  term positions in Central America (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Ecuador and South East Asia; Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand)

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