Simone Hagenauer

Simone Hagenauer holds a master degree in Law from Karl-Franzens University Graz/Austria and specialised in European common law and environmental law. Since 2003 project manager at ecoplus, the Lower Austrian business agency, she has been responsible for cross-border business cooperation projects as well as cluster development projects for the Lower Austrian clusters in the field of green building, food, plastics and mechatronics. Key areas: Cross-border and inter-regional business cooperation (INTEREG Europe, Horizon), cluster policy, international cluster co-operation and cluster manager skills. As European Cluster Excellence Assessor since 2012 she interviewed and assessed cluster organisations in Hungary, Italy, Germany, Sweden and Austria. Simone is a member of the global cluster network TCI, the Steering Committee of the Austrian Cluster Platform and the German “go cluster” Advisory Board.

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