İbrahim Vedat Kunt

Currently: 1. 2007-onwards: Partner, VEGO Consulting Ltd. Izmir, Turkey, Consulting SMEs in Strategic Management, Export Development, Marketing and Brand Development, Supply Chain Management. Consulting and Training in donor funded Government and Private funded projects in Cluster Development, Entrepreneurship Development, Export Development, 2. UNIDO Cluster Development and Marketing Senior International Expert currently working in Ghana, Liberia and Pakistan 3. 2007-onwards: Part Time Lecturer at İzmir University of Economics, teaching "Strategic Management and Business Policies" at graduate and post gradeuate levels. Previous: 1985-2003 Worked in different industries like Food, Cosmetics,Textiles, Office Automation at executive levels. 2003-2006 Director of EU-Turkey Business Centres and EU funded project for SME Development

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