Alonso Ramos Vaca

From 2007-2010, Alonso Ramos Vaca was Director on the Board of Directors of TCI-The Competitiveness Institute. He was responsible for the organization of TCI 3CLAC, 3rd Latin American Cluster Conference in Chihuahua. He manages his own company in Chihuahua, Mexico where he is an active volunteer contributing to the economic development of the State. Born in Chihuahua City, Mexico, Dr. Ramos did his professional studies at the Monterrey Institute Technology (ITESM) in Monterrey, N.L., Mexico, where he graduated, in 1973, with honors in a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering. During this time Mr. Ramos participated in a one-year student exchange program at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI, where he received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering. In 1977, he received a doctoral degree (Sc.D.) in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, MA, with a specialization in Polymers Science, having actively participated in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Polymer Processing Program at MIT. Research: From November 1977 to October 1978, Dr. Ramos engaged in laboratory research and in the development of mathematical models for forecasting the physical behavior of polymers at the Centre de Recherches sur les Macromolécules, Strasburg, France. As a result of his work at MIT and Strasburg, he has published 10 technical papers and holds 2 patents. Professional Experience: From 1978 to 1985, Dr. Ramos was employed at the Grupo Industria Alfa (the largest conglomerate in Mexico at that time) in Monterrey, N.L., where he gradually advanced from technical areas to positions in finance and general management. In late 1985, Dr. Ramos returned to Chihuahua, Mexico, to take charge of a family firm, which he continues to direct to this date. Community Service:Apart from his regular occupational duties, Dr. Ramos has participated actively in volunteer community work. In 1990, he was founding Chairman of the Chihuahua Center for Quality and Productivity (Centro Chihuahuense para la Calidad y Productividad A.C.). For four years, he was Chairman of the Board of a private sector organization, Economic Development of the State of Chihuahua (Desarrollo Económico del Estado de Chihuahua A. C.), where he is currently Vicepresident. As a result of his involvement in the Chihuahua Center for Quality and Productivity and Project Chihuahua Twenty-first Century, Dr. Ramos has published several articles, developed various materials, and imparted conferences and related presentations. In addition, Dr. Ramos sits on the boards of the Chihuahua State Council on Economic Development, (where he lead the Chihuahua New Milenium Project), Canacintra (the local chamber of industry), Coparmex (the local employers association), Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Chihuahua, and the City Council for Economic Development. Consulting: Dr. Ramos has been advisor on economic development in several projects in Mexico (state of Campeche) and abroad (El Salvador, Republic of South Africa, the Northeastern region of Brazil and the Dominican Republic). Dr. Ramos was also advisor to President Fox in México on the development of a policy for regional development, with specific responsibility for its implementation in the Mexican northern states, from October 2000 to June 2001.

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