2 September 2009
12th TCI Global Conference, Jyväskylä 2009
"Learning Clusters - Adapting to the new Competitiveness Scenario"
2 September 2008
11th TCI Global Conference, Cape Town 2008
"CLUSTERS: Meeting the Challenge of Globalisation"
8 October 2007
10th TCI Global Conference, Portland 2007
“Collaboration, Innovation and Sustainability"
2 September 2006
9th TCI Global Conference, Lyon 2006
"Governance and Involvement in Cluster Initiatives"
2 September 2005
8th TCI Global Conference, Hong Kong 2005
"China's Emergence and International Competitiveness"
2 September 2004
7th TCI Global Conference, Ottawa 2004
"Building Innovative Clusters for Competitive Advantage"
2 September 2003
6th TCI Global Conference, Gothenburg 2003
"Innovative Clusters, a new Challenge"
2 September 2002
5th TCI Global Conference, Australia 2002
“Connecnting Clusters”
2 September 2001
4th TCI Global Conference, Tucson 2001
"Clusters and the new Economy"
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